CLCA Board of Directors Meeting Saturday, August 31st , 2013
Parks Canada Administration Board Room

Present: Brian McVicar, Trevor Winters, Scott Jordan, Gloria Belliveau, Joan James, JoAnn Lombaert, Kevin Alguire, Brad Collett, Dale Wallis and Dwight McMillan.

Regrets: Joyce Harland, Nelda Didychuk, Keith Vinthers, Paul Barnabe, John George.

Meeting called to order: at 9:10 a.m.

Website: A request was received that a posting be made to our website for personal reasons. Another request was received from a financial institution asking to post a link to our website. Moved by Brad Collett and seconded by Trevor Winters that neither request be allowed. CARRIED

Noise Complaints: A complaint was received about a noisy neighbour partying late and keeping her small child awake. A second complaint was received about 2 late evening parties with heavy drinking, etc. in a cookshack. In both cases, the parties were told to call Paladin Securities, with the option to follow up with the R.C.M.P.

Plumbing: A request was received by the board asking if the Board could tender plumbing rates. After discussion, it was decided that differences in circumstances of individual cabins need different plumbing services. Moved by Scott Jordan and seconded by Trevor Winters that the Board will not be tendering for plumbing cabins at a group rate. CARRIED

Forum: Dale Wallis suggested that members be advised to use the question forum, as the same questions are asked continually.

Road restrictions: Brian McVicar asked how owners could find out about hook-up boxes and road restrictions this fall. Dale Wallis replied that owners would have to find out about road restrictions from the contractors. Once the streets are resurfaced, load restrictions will need to be adhered to in order not to damage the new streets, This may restrict cement trucks and other such heavy equipment. Contractors will need to be advised.

Buildings: Dwight McMillan said footings should be 30 x 30 x 8 inches. In some cases, variations to the Building Guidelines may be required “for cause” such as for Health and Safety issues, compassionate issues in the case of handicapped access, as well as the need for pile foundations due to sloping/ irregular lots as recommended by engineers.

New cabin Owners: Brian McVicar asked about new cabin owners. Brian asked if the Park would provide all new Cabin Owners with an informational handout inviting them to join CLCA. This handout should include a Consent Form that would allow the Park to release their basic contact and basic civic information to CLCA

Washroom 7: Brian McVicar reported that owners around washroom 7 collected $415.00, painted, replaced boards and cleaned the washroom. We are pleased at the initiative of some owners, but disappointed that some see this as negative

Building Guidelines: The issue of 20` heights was raised. Dwight McMillan responded that 20` is needed to accommodate stairs. This issue is ongoing. Joan James said she feels the guidelines need to be fine tuned as people do not understand what they can do. Motion by Brad Collett, seconded by Scott Jordan. Be it resolved that the CLCA Board recommend that the Parks Canada Building Inspector be supported to interpret the Building Guidelines for fairness and consistency, with an allowance to vary the Guideelines for responsible cause. Also be it resolved that the Board requested that the Building Inspector bring any suggested changes or revisions to the CLCA Board Building guidelines as requested. CARRIED

Annual General Meeting: Trevor Winters reported that he has prepared voting packages. He reported that the Executive members are all letting their named stand for reelection. Board members whose terms are up are Nelda Didychuk, JoAnn Lombaert and Kevin Alguire. All are standing for re-election.

Sewer and water: John George asked if the contractors know which streets they are starting on. Dwight McMillan said they will be starting in various places at various times. He said Park staff will accomodate as much as possible. Equipment will be moved in on Tuesday the 3rd .

Activities: Gloria Belliveau reported that she has received a request from an owner who is interested in arranging activites (particularly for children) next summer. She has requested that we waive the fee for use of the Jamboree Hall, as any monies collected for activities would be used for the activity and no profit would be made. The Board gave approval for the activities and agreed to waive the fee for the Jamboree Hall. Scott Jordan moved the meeting be adjourned at 11:10a.m.

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